Your school needs to have a website that delivers! Your school website isn’t just a window display for your school. It’s a vital, living document that demonstrates your identity and ethos. Ofsted Inspectors check the school website for statutory compliance. Therefore it’s good to consider; is your school website ready for an Ofsted Inspection? Hive complete websites from design to build ensuring all important pages are covered. Sites are built with recommended sitemap structure so all Ofsted school website requirements can be ticked off.
Is your school website prepared for an Ofsted Inspection? First impressions count!
An easy to use, easy to navigate website is exactly what you need. Having the information easily accessible is key. Make sure key messages are easy to find and that up-to-date information is in use across all of your website. Each individual website will reflect a school’s unique identity through design. Ofsted requires each one of these designs to contain the same information not only accessible by Ofsted but by parents too.
Images can be just as important for your website too. Images that capture the essence of your school not only gives a great impression of your school, it also brings the website to life. Using good school photography gives visitors more of an insight of what your school is like as soon as they land on the homepage.
If you would like assistance from Hive on preparing your school website for your Ofsted inspection or for further information please speak with a member of our team by calling us on 0161 204 7250 or by emailing us at [email protected]