Hive Manchester editing school photography

Multi academy trust signage

Kings Academy Trust

Kings Academy Trust tasked Hive with creating a suite of multi academy trust signage to bring a cohesive and professional identity to all indoor and outdoor signage across seven sites. This project, followed on from the full rebrand Hive undertook for the trust. Furthermore, Hive were also requested to design and build new websites for the Trust and their schools. Undoubtedly a large project, each element was fulfilled on time and on budget. Throughout the project working closely with the Trust and the individual schools, from design through to completion.

The Process

Hive adapted the new branding style for the multi academy trust signage across both interior and exterior signs. Firstly visuals were completed which went through a robust approval process. Each sign used a clean and fresh white background to help highlight the colourful tree symbols. A bold coloured base to help anchor the design and provide a clear area for wayfarer messages. Moreover, having the three elements of the branding, the tree, the arc and the solid base, ensures that any new school joining the Kings Academy Trust can be incorporated into the branding style and still allow for flexibility with colours and form. The carefully considered designs also ensured each school maintained their individuality.

Secondly, once the designs were finalised, final artwork was completed and each sign produced. Installation was timed to coincide with schools holidays wherever possible. This minimises any disruption to the school day. The expertly installed signs provide a clear and professional branding at each location, providing clear way-finding for site visitors. All instances of the old school logos were replaced both inside and outside the schools. Consequently, all welcome signs, message boards, wayfarer signs and any displays, now all have consistent and strong branding running throughout each school. The Kings Academy Trust logo also appears on some of the signage where appropriate. This provides a presence for the trust at each location, linking all the schools together.

If you would like to find out more about our signage, both exterior and interior please contact us.

A range of signage for a multi academy trust signage project
