Hive Manchester editing school photography

Multi Academy Trust Website

Oak Learning Partnership

Hive were asked to design new branding and create a new Multi Academy Trust website for Oak Learning Partnership. Oak LP chose to work with Hive after the success of previous projects for schools within the Trust. Such as the Elms Bank website, branding as well as both printed and online interactive prospectuses. Oak Learning Partnership were confident that Hive could deliver within the tight timescale required.

The design brief was to create a clean and easy to navigate website for the Multi Academy Trust. It was also essential that each school in the Trust was prominently displayed.

We created the bespoke website in a very tight timescale. Hive fully populated the site with images and content before Go Live. This meant that the Trust didn’t need to update anything on the website initially once launched. Saving the Trust valuable time. Hive’s bespoke Content Management System also ensured that all website content would be very easy to upload going forwards. Such as new polices, text and images.

The site design features a white, grey and teal colour palette taken from the new logo. Utilising stunning photography from shoots at two of the schools we’ve worked with previously, Hazel Wood High School and Elms Bank. Each school within the Trust had a quick link to their school’s websites right on the Trust home page.

Hive’s Trustees Portal is a great addition for the Governance page, enabling the Trustees to securely access meeting minutes, training documents, check meeting schedules and be able to contact fellow trustees online in one handy place.

If you would like to take a look at Oak Learning Partnership’s new website you can view it here.

If you would like to find out more about our website design, website refresh and build services please contact us.

Multi Academy Trust Website VisualMulti Academy Trust Website Visual
