School Photography
Marlborough Road Academy
After creating the Salford school Marlborough Road Academy’s website over five years earlier, we were asked to create a proposal for a website refresh. The refresh aimed to incorporate more school photography. The school wanted to showcase their wonderful new outside facilities with some stunning images. As the photography was going to be critical for the look the school wanted to achieve, this was our main priority at the beginning of the project.
We pencilled in a number of possible shooting days as weather was all important. Watching the weather forecast closely, we settled on the best day possible. We were rewarded with wonderful blue skies. Starting early to capture some outside spaces before the children arrived, we then focused on the pupils interacting with their surroundings and each other. After a full days of shooting, we then sorted through hundreds of potential images, picking the very best. These images were then colour corrected and complied and a copy given to the school for future use. We then chose a shortlist of the best of these ready to input into the new website.
The outcome was vibrant, colourful and fun images that really show the school and it’s pupils at their very best and are a wonderful advert for the school.
Click here view the photography in the school website and also the our work page detailing the Marlborough website project.
If you would like to find out more about school photography please contact us.
school photography